Valeria Guznekova

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for

About Me

I am   finalist in the Bodybuilding Federation Championships in Russia.:)

Personal Details

Valeria Guznekova

Gender : Female
Birthdate : 1993-2-4 23:59:59
Sexorient : males
Profession : I am spokesmodel for several products manufactured by Reebok.
About me : I was born in Moscow and I am finalist in the Bodybuilding Federation Championships in Russia.
Accomplishments : In 2014 I was competed in Moscow’s Bodybuilding Federation in the Fitness Category, placing 6th overall taking home a Bronze medal.
Training : I like to train using plyometrics, static holds, and other explosive body-weight movements such as sprints. As most of my training revolves around ‘gymnastic‘ style movements. Such as body-weight lunges, leg raises, and pull ups, my body remains in a strong and healthy condition all year round. I am able to achieve this by exercising on a regular basis. This is due to the fact I mainly trains using my own body-weight. Which makes for a quicker recovery process between workouts.
City / Town : Moskva,Moskva, Rusko
Website :


fitness modeling


